A 'virtual treasure hunt' exhibition of site interventions. Spanning 3 sites this exhibition is part of We Shine Portsmouth 2022, a three day festival of art and light. Hidden amongst the illuminated sculptures and installations of the festival are 35 illustrated animals which, when viewed through a smartphone, come alive with animation, sound and moving image. Using AR enriches the illustration work with virtual digital media; animation, sound, moving image, film, extending the meaning of the work through interactive and immersive techniques, inviting involvement at a deeper level.
Download ARTIVIVE app to your smartphone to view the illustrations with AR
Artworks; Design: Nicola Hay
The artworks are printed to A3 Correx board, and affixed at strategic locations at the three sites. These locations are mapped using What3Words app, and the trail hunt is activated from artwork to artwork via the augmented 'layer'.
Some artworks use the Artivive app to access superimposed imagery, animation and sound. Some of the artworks explore further the immersive nature of XR and question the interface between the artwork and the viewer, for example the imagery above. This artifact features an "onion-skin" style image of a crow in flight, which employs an animation technique that displays multiple frames of movement simultaneously. Upon activation of the extended reality element, by scanning the QR code provided, the viewer is immersed in a three-dimensional rendering of the image and can navigate through and around the virtual installation. The viewer is also provided with the opportunity to track the flight of the bird from the bird's perspective.
Video displaying the augmented immersive digital content once activated.
Still image from an animation which triggers the full animation utilising the Artivive App
Crow's Fall - Nicola Hay
This piece is part of a project inspired by the poem Crow's Fall by Ted Hughes.
To view the augmented element;- Open Artivive app on smartphone or pad
- Focus the viewfinder on the area outlined in red on the artwork
AR Scavenger Hunt;
Contributing artists; Victoria Park
Tara Louise Hughes
I am a final year student pursuing a degree in illustration. My work primarily focuses on wildlife illustration, specifically insects and other invertebrates as entomology is a personal passion of mine.Varies in size.
This series is based on the latest assessment of the UK's Birds of Conservation Concern Report. The report shows how the status of the UK's bird populations continues to decline. My artworks show some of the birds that have recently moved from the Greet to the Amber list. There are six portraits on display, including a Woodpigeon, Sparrowhawk, Sedge Warbler, Rook, Common Whitethroat and Moorhen. Each portrait is burned onto a piece of wood with a pyrography pen. The wood was found in the back of my father’s garage. Rather than letting them get thrown out, I decided to create something. Although it would probably be much easier to use shop-bought wood, I decided not to contribute to the forestry trade. Instead, I used 'found' pieces of wood for my project, which is why each piece is slightly different and why none are particularly polished.
Instagram – @taralouiseillustration
Portfolio – https://www.taralouisehughesillustration.com
Elephant - Karenanne Knight
Title: Little Ellie Lost
Imagine Animals Commuting - Jac Batey

Jazmin Johnson; Bats as Pollinators

My name is Jazmin Johnson, otherwise known as 'Synalethia' on most online platforms. I'm a 21 year old digital artist who grew up in Fareham, Hampshire, and I am now studying a BA Hons in Illustration at the University of Portsmouth.
I have a keen taste for anything magical, whimsical or fantasy themed, and love drawing stylised pieces of art which closely resemble that of cartoons, or anything which has prominent line art! I also love to play video games in my spare time, and have a a strong love for crystals!
This piece of work represents the importance of Bat's and their role as pollinators within our ecosystem.
For this project, I researched into bats and their importance within our ecosystem. I looked into many different conservations of Bats, and one which stood out the most to me was “Bats as Pollinators. This animated loop depicts the importance of pollination, and how “Bees have the day shift, Bats have the night shift”. Many people are misinformed about the importance of bats and since there has been a lot of work put into saving the bees over recent years; I thought that by comparing bees to bats it would show that bats are just as important to save. I wanted to portray this message as many bat populations are decreasing as a result of deforestation and climate change. This has led to multiple breeds of bats being listed as ‘Vulnerable’, ‘Endangered’ or ‘Critically Endangered’. Without these bats our ecosystem would begin to fall apart and this could directly affect our ability to pollinate certain plants such as bananas, agave, mango and guava. Expressing this link between items we as humans enjoy and the bats that allow these items to exist should help to promote the importance of bats. I wanted to keep the animation simple whilst also being eye-catching therefore I tried to mirror the two sides shown with obvious changes made to either side such as a change in flowers, time and creature. I paired this with subtle changes such as brighter colours when the bees are in view, showing their interest in brightly coloured flowers as opposed to the pale darker coloured flowers preferred by bats.
Contact and Social Details:
Instagram: @synalethia
ArtStation: synalethia.artstation.com
Email: Jazz.johnson1203@gmail.com
AR Scavenger hunt What3words location; ///LOSSES.STATE.USAGE
Parotia; Amy Tuff

This bird of paradise has a rather unusual courtship display. The Western Parotia clears the forest floor to create the perfect dance floor before showing off his moves to the females.
AR Scavenger hunt What3words location; ///DRAG.LITTLE.TANKS Note* Somebody liked this so much it's been taken away....

The theme of my project was to study the movement of lemurs and portray that in moving images in different forms. It became a silhouette animated GIF. The GIF shows the lemur's unique ringed tail. I was inspired to do a silhouette GIF because it is how I see the animal, conveying a pattern at first glance which I really appreciate. I gave my work the title 'Run Lemur Run' because lemurs in general are endangered animals in Madagascar. Their population rate continues to decrease every day and their lives have resulted in them running away from their homes and finding it harder and harder to survive as well as keep their young alive. This is because of activities like deforestation, poaching, hunting and even climate change. I am hoping that my work does not only portray a running lemur to the viewer's eye but also show a lemur running from danger for their lives.
Wura Ogunmowo
Portfolio Website: https://wuraolaogunmowo.wixsite.com/artistpage
Email: wogunmowo@gmail.com
Phone no. : 073762198491
AR Scavenger hunt What3Words location ///LOOK.LOADS.JOIN
Manatees; Poppy Ryder

My name is Jazmin Johnson, otherwise known as 'Synalethia' on most online platforms. I'm a 21 year old digital artist who grew up in Fareham, Hampshire, and I am now studying a BA Hons in Illustration at the University of Portsmouth.
I have a keen taste for anything magical, whimsical or fantasy themed, and love drawing stylised pieces of art which closely resemble that of cartoons, or anything which has prominent line art! I also love to play video games in my spare time, and have a a strong love for crystals!
This piece of work represents the importance of Bat's and their role as pollinators within our ecosystem.
For this project, I researched into bats and their importance within our ecosystem. I looked into many different conservations of Bats, and one which stood out the most to me was “Bats as Pollinators. This animated loop depicts the importance of pollination, and how “Bees have the day shift, Bats have the night shift”. Many people are misinformed about the importance of bats and since there has been a lot of work put into saving the bees over recent years; I thought that by comparing bees to bats it would show that bats are just as important to save. I wanted to portray this message as many bat populations are decreasing as a result of deforestation and climate change. This has led to multiple breeds of bats being listed as ‘Vulnerable’, ‘Endangered’ or ‘Critically Endangered’. Without these bats our ecosystem would begin to fall apart and this could directly affect our ability to pollinate certain plants such as bananas, agave, mango and guava. Expressing this link between items we as humans enjoy and the bats that allow these items to exist should help to promote the importance of bats. I wanted to keep the animation simple whilst also being eye-catching therefore I tried to mirror the two sides shown with obvious changes made to either side such as a change in flowers, time and creature. I paired this with subtle changes such as brighter colours when the bees are in view, showing their interest in brightly coloured flowers as opposed to the pale darker coloured flowers preferred by bats.
Contact and Social Details:
Instagram: @synalethia
ArtStation: synalethia.artstation.com
Email: Jazz.johnson1203@gmail.com
AR Scavenger hunt What3words location; ///LOSSES.STATE.USAGE
Parotia; Amy Tuff

This bird of paradise has a rather unusual courtship display. The Western Parotia clears the forest floor to create the perfect dance floor before showing off his moves to the females.
AR Scavenger hunt What3words location; ///DRAG.LITTLE.TANKS Note* Somebody liked this so much it's been taken away....
RUN LEMUR RUN Wura Ogonmowo

The theme of my project was to study the movement of lemurs and portray that in moving images in different forms. It became a silhouette animated GIF. The GIF shows the lemur's unique ringed tail. I was inspired to do a silhouette GIF because it is how I see the animal, conveying a pattern at first glance which I really appreciate. I gave my work the title 'Run Lemur Run' because lemurs in general are endangered animals in Madagascar. Their population rate continues to decrease every day and their lives have resulted in them running away from their homes and finding it harder and harder to survive as well as keep their young alive. This is because of activities like deforestation, poaching, hunting and even climate change. I am hoping that my work does not only portray a running lemur to the viewer's eye but also show a lemur running from danger for their lives.
Wura Ogunmowo
Portfolio Website: https://wuraolaogunmowo.wixsite.com/artistpage
Email: wogunmowo@gmail.com
Phone no. : 073762198491
AR Scavenger hunt What3Words location ///LOOK.LOADS.JOIN
Manatees; Poppy Ryder
I am a final year Illustration BA student from the University of Portsmouth. Animals have been a lifelong passion of mine, particularly mammals and aquatic creatures. Unsurprisingly they are a big theme in my work. The work I have decided to submit to this project is a gif of two manatees sharing a kiss.
Instagram: @pop.art21
Instagram: @pop.art21
Kissing Manatees:
A Procreate animated gif of two manatees sharing a kiss. Manatees are distant elephant relatives who live in freshwater of West Africa, the Amazon River, the Caribbean and Florida. The 10 feet creatures face threats such as habitat loss and human intervention. But I have decided to focus on the warmness of these gentle giants who can be very affectionate creatures. These two manatees are certainly affectionate as they share a loving kiss.
A Procreate animated gif of two manatees sharing a kiss. Manatees are distant elephant relatives who live in freshwater of West Africa, the Amazon River, the Caribbean and Florida. The 10 feet creatures face threats such as habitat loss and human intervention. But I have decided to focus on the warmness of these gentle giants who can be very affectionate creatures. These two manatees are certainly affectionate as they share a loving kiss.
AR Scavenger Hunt What3Words location ///TOOK.MOMENT.RESTED
Tara Louise Hughes
I am a final year student pursuing a degree in illustration. My work primarily focuses on wildlife illustration, specifically insects and other invertebrates as entomology is a personal passion of mine.Varies in size.
This series is based on the latest assessment of the UK's Birds of Conservation Concern Report. The report shows how the status of the UK's bird populations continues to decline. My artworks show some of the birds that have recently moved from the Greet to the Amber list. There are six portraits on display, including a Woodpigeon, Sparrowhawk, Sedge Warbler, Rook, Common Whitethroat and Moorhen. Each portrait is burned onto a piece of wood with a pyrography pen. The wood was found in the back of my father’s garage. Rather than letting them get thrown out, I decided to create something. Although it would probably be much easier to use shop-bought wood, I decided not to contribute to the forestry trade. Instead, I used 'found' pieces of wood for my project, which is why each piece is slightly different and why none are particularly polished.
Instagram – @taralouiseillustration
Portfolio – https://www.taralouisehughesillustration.com
AR Scavenger Hunt What3Words location; ///SMUG.PARENT.FLAT
Elephant - Karenanne Knight
Title: Little Ellie Lost
Karenanne is senior lecturer on the BA Illustration course at Portsmouth University. She works in the publishing arena and specialises in children's books. She illustrates animals, children and settings and locations through characterisation using watercolour and often collage. Ellie is very much a watercolour wet in wet painting. She also enjoys illustration in the fields of cartography, the environment, natural history and architecture through the centuries, but has a penchant for modern architecture.
Karenanne has worked for and collaborated with varied clients such as The British Army, The Royal Ballet, The Houses of Parliament, Buckinghamshire Fire and Rescue, GWR, Thames and Hudson, University of London Press, Trentham Books, Routledge, Taylor and Francis, Wiley publishing, John Lewis and The Waitrose magazine. AR Scavenger Hunt What3words location; ///SMUG.PARENT.FLAT
Karenanne has worked for and collaborated with varied clients such as The British Army, The Royal Ballet, The Houses of Parliament, Buckinghamshire Fire and Rescue, GWR, Thames and Hudson, University of London Press, Trentham Books, Routledge, Taylor and Francis, Wiley publishing, John Lewis and The Waitrose magazine. AR Scavenger Hunt What3words location; ///SMUG.PARENT.FLAT
Cockerel - Nia Filipova

This image is the result of an experimental print workshop using the litho press, a stencil and ink and white spirit, in the Print Room facility here at University of Portsmouth.
See more on their Instagram;
AR Scavenger Hunt What3words location;///TRACE.PAPER.IMPACT
Dog - Lily Milan
Cockerel - Nia Filipova

This image is the result of an experimental print workshop using the litho press, a stencil and ink and white spirit, in the Print Room facility here at University of Portsmouth.
See more on their Instagram;
AR Scavenger Hunt What3words location;///TRACE.PAPER.IMPACT
Dog - Lily Milan
AR Scavenger Hunt What3words location; ///LEDGE.BUNNY.LOADS

Instagram; @bateyjac
AR Scavenger Hunt What3words location; ///CASE.NOSES.SHEETS
Walrus - Josie Keable
Josie Keable (Unic0rn Vomit) is an Illustrator & Tattoo Artist, who currently lives in a seaside town along the South Coast. She loves to explore the natural shapes and colours the world provides, whilst also also referencing popular culture.
Since graduating from the University of Portsmouth, Josie undertook a tattoo apprenticeship and is currently tattooing out of Old Sarum Tattoo & Piercing, Salisbury.
Instagram: www.instagram.com/Unic0rnvomit
AR Scavenger Hunt What3words location; ///CLOWN.OTHER.CULT
Mimic octopus - Alice Fynn
20 year old Illustration student at the University of Portsmouth currently on work placement between 2nd and 3rd year. I explore both digital and traditional art and love to draw animals.
A mimic octopus burrows into sand to hide as a last resort after using its impressive camouflage and mimicry skills to hide from a fierce flounder. An interactive page from an educational children's book zine on the behaviours of mimic octopuses.
Social media (instagram): https://www.instagram.com/rodle.art
AR Scavenger Hunt What3words location; ///MODERN.MUSEUM.FUZZY
Contributing artists; St Mary's Church, Fratton
*Note all of the scavenger hunt images at St Mary's have currently been removed.
Gecko - Katharine Bale
I'm a freelance illustrator, writer and designer based in Fareham, U.K. My education includes a
First Class degree for a Bachelor of Arts with Honors in Illustration. I currently work with Your
Brand Ltd. in Gosport as a logo designer.
I also love to write and illustrate children's picture books, enjoy GIF animation and augmented
reality art. I feel particularly inspired with environmental and humanitarian projects.
The Lizard
This lizard design exists for the front cover of a poetry book called
We Are The Lizards by author Margaret Jennings. I decided to stretch the character further into
an augmented piece to really bring it alive.
AR Scavenger Hunt What3words location; ///HEAP.RAVES.ALWAYS
Butterfly - Sinead Mcdonnell/ Nicola Hay
AR Scavenger Hunt What3words location; ///PROPS.CYCLE.FORMAT
Squirrel - Ruby Gregory
Hi my name is Ruby Gregory and I studied illustration at university of Portsmouth. The mediums I use in my work the most are watercolours, pencils and ink. I am detail-oriented within my work but also love getting creative with 3D/2D modeling. I would like to use more digital within my artwork and would like to explore further into typography.
AR Scavenger Hunt What3words location; ///ENDED.SNACKS.NEWLY
Kingfisher - William Welton
William Welton's illustrations focus on single-frame and multiple-framed narratives through use of printmaking, drawings and stop motion animation. This Portsmouth based artist aims to entertain a variety of tastes, his work branches out as his development as an artist continues.
Known for their glamorous colours and dives, the common kingfisher stands proud amongst rivers and ponds alike. The purpose of these pieces was conveying the natural beauty of such birds within blank space, directing focus at detail, movement and colour. 'Catching Fire' is a term describing the kingfisher blur as they fly by, an aspect that inspired the transition of colour within the animation.
instagram: will_draws_art
Email; up2065766@myport.ac.uk
AR Scavenger Hunt What3words location; ///CRAB.JAZZY.TWICE
Tiger - Ollie Keeffe-Magan
Hello, My name is Oliver Keeffe-Magan I’m a digital artist from Littlehampton. I enjoy exploring various different styles to be used within my work and to constantly improve and challenge myself to make sure my work is as unique and engaging as I can get it.
I looked at the practice of Chinese medicine which has traditionally involved using various body parts of tigers to be crafted into different medicinal and pharmaceutical items. I have researched the different body parts that have been used within these medicines and why they are used. I wanted my final piece to showcase a tiger drawn in a Chinese folk style to gradually melt throughout the page to represent the use of tiger bodies in a grotesque craft.
AR Scavenger Hunt What3words location; ///FORMATS.BUILDS.ALBUM
Rabbit - Kirsten Shanovska
AR Scavenger Hunt What3words location; ///SMOOTH.PUDDLES.STRUT
Seven Ravens - Lisa Martin
AR Scavenger Hunt What3words location; ///FUZZY.LIBRARIAN.CLOSES
Dragon - Jenna Beames
Smaug Dragon model artwork
My name is Jenna, I am a third year illustration student here in Portsmouth and I graduate next year!
My artwork can be quite diverse as I love to push myself to try new things. During college I began exploring 3D model making and fell in love with it. My last project of 2nd year at uni offered a great opportunity to combine this skill with my love for Tolkien, and create a large tabletop sculpture of ‘Smaug the Terrible’.
This is a 3d scan of the model which, if viewed through Artivive, jumps off the page.
AR Scavenger Hunt What3words location; ///AWAKE.FULLY.EXACT
Butterfly - Rebecca Jenkins
My name is Rebecca and I am a mixed media artist. I primarily focus on digital illustration in
a lot of my work but I really enjoy playing around with gouache, clay and collage too. I love
colour, nature, vegan snacks, exploring new places + collecting weird things and these are
all huge parts of my work that inspire so many of my pieces + characters. Nature is a
common theme throughout a lot of my work as I like to capture the beauty of it in a playful
and colourful way that feels enjoyable to look at + will hopefully inspire.
For this project, I knew I wanted to create a GIF that was fun and visually pleasing + would
reflect my usual style of working. So, I decided to create a butterfly that becomes encircled
by a pair of friendly flowers that wiggle and grow around it. I like to think that the butterfly is
super happy to be surrounded by nature so it sparkles + shines alongside the flowers,
revealing its happiest self. As a lover of nature - I can definitely relate to this feeling!
Contact Details -
Instagram - @cherryclownn_
Email - cherryclownn@gmail.com
AR Scavenger Hunt What3words location; ///BRANDS.BECOME.WENT
Tara Louise Hughes
I am a third year undergraduate pursuing a degree in illustration. My work evolves within imaginative communications I find within the natural world. I create illustrations that engage the viewer and communicate information
The Art of Armour, 2022
120gsm fine art paper, assorted papers, timber, mount-board, zinc
alloy handle.
300 x 250 x 50mm. (Scroll is 1680 x 70 mm fully extended)
The scroll comprises of a laser-cut border and acrylic ink paintings. The frame is constructed using reclaimed pieces of wood and engraved with a pyrography pen.
The scroll focuses on the philosophy of Taoism, in relation to the order of the natural world. I concentrated on the relationships between insects and how they have adapted defence mechanisms to both survive and attack. The scroll reflects the fleeting nature of existence. This is expressed by the continuous forward motion that will inevitably end. My source of inspiration originates from the Art of War by Sun Tzu. I weaved together its historical and philosophical themes with scientific, naturalistic content.
Instagram – @taralouiseillustration
Portfolio – https://www.taralouisehughesillustration.com
AR Scavenger Hunt What3words location; ///AURA.ENGAGE.WOVEN
Kakapo - Amy Tuff
This hand made book follows the timeline of the Kakapo parrot, sharing its close call with extinction and the extraordinary efforts that enabled this peculiar bird to survive."
Website - https://www.altillustrates.com/
Instagram - @alt.illustrates
AR Scavenger Hunt What3words location; ///DROVE.INTO.LUNCH
Frog - Jada Sinclair
Hi I'm Jada Sinclair. I'm an undergraduate illustration student and my online url tends to be Sincryart. I hope to become a concept artist and currently dabble in selling art at stalls. This was my first ever animation and it depicts the natural fight between frog and fly in a more dramatic way. As someone whose always adored the cinematic fights in animation and as it was what initially inspired me to take art from hobby to something more serious, it was very therapeutic to make. It was made on blenders 2D animation section. Overall I'm pleased from the time put in to the outcome.
AR Scavenger Hunt What3words location; ///RAINY.BELONG.CHART
Ecotherapy - Katharine Bale
I'm a freelance illustrator, writer and designer based in Fareham, U.K. My education includes a
First Class degree for a Bachelor of Arts with Honors in Illustration. I currently work with Your
Brand Ltd. in Gosport as a logo designer.
I also love to write and illustrate children's picture books, enjoy GIF animation and augmented
reality art. I feel particularly inspired with environmental and humanitarian projects.
This project was created for my final year in university. It was intended for a young audience and
explores the positive connection between ourselves and nature. The outcome was a two-piece
children’s wall mural design based on a natural scene.
AR Scavenger Hunt What3words location; ///OILS.SOFA.MAGMA
Jellyfish - Emily Sampson
My name is Emily Sampson, I’m an illustrator and graphic designer living in Southampton. My art style is colourful mixed with realism using my favourite media, Procreate and watercolour.
The life cycle of an immortal jellyfish - a short GIF showing the stages of a jellyfish in its immortal lifespan.
AR Scavenger Hunt What3words location; ///DAIRY.SPINE.GENT
Spider - Maxim Hertzog
I'm a communication design student from Darmstadt (Germany) with a fable for Storyboarding and Illustrations. My interests lie in Myths, Fables and Horror, which inspire me for my designs and work.
A Siren's Pull
I chose the Bola Spider for my project, because they lure their prey (male moths) in by mimicking the pheromones of female moths and then sling a sticky thread towards the moth to catch it (like a lasso or bolas). The design and story is focusing on the luring part, where I drew inspiration from tales about sirens and creatures like the Korean Changgwi, who entice their prey and trick them into feeling safe, just to lead them to their death. The Pheromone ghosts figure is kept vague, just lightly suggesting a female shape while the one pulling the strings, the monstrous spider, has a wickedly and nightmarish design with spindly arms, a head that resembles a bolas spider abdomen and mandibles/fangs protruding from its mouth.
Instagram @vinvlart
Mail hertzmaxx@gmail.com
AR Scavenger Hunt What3words location; ///COPE.TUNED.SPLIT
Deathwatch Beetle Belinda Mitchell/ Nicola Hay belinda.mitchell@port.ac.uk
Belinda Mitchell is a visual artist and educator whose practice is focused on drawing and gender within Interior Design. She is a Senior Lecturer in Interior Architecture at the University of Portsmouth. She is a founder member of Mitchell Bould, 2000-2008, a collective arts practice that investigated drawing and collaborative processes through interdisciplinary and interactive projects. Her current research interests focus on the representation of the interior, and on bodily interactions with space, both strands being strongly collaborative in nature. Recent publications include, Drawing in: Bodies in motion, in REMOTE PRACTICES: ARCHITECTURE AT A DISTANCE, ed Matthew Mindrup and Lilian Chee, Lund Humphries, 2022. Recent group exhibitions include: Ecologies of Drawing online exhibition, Tracey, Loughborough (2022), Osmosis, espacio Gallery, London (2021)
Matter of the Manor explores alternative ways to engage with the re-inhabitation of historic places. Wymering Manor, a 16th Century house in Cosham, Portsmouth, UK, is used as a case study to examine the ways in which subjective experiences can be represented in the future of city making. The house is currently in a state of ruination, the richness of its surfaces, the smell of damp, the crumbling timber and dust made by larvae beetle slowly eating away at its core all create an overwhelming sense of affect. New digital technologies are used to rethink the tangible and intangible effects of the house and create magical transitions between the body, imagination and place.
Contact: belinda.mitchell@port.ac.uk
AR Scavenger Hunt What3words location; ///VILLA.CLAP.CLAPS
Hummingbird - Lee Shearman
Lee Shearman is a multi-disciplinary artist combining experimental artists' books, illustration, design, and stop frame animation.
About hummingbird;
The original physical model of the hummingbird was made from wood, paper and polystyrene, and had articulated wings so that it could be animated. The whole assemblage was then covered in paper 'feathers' individually cut out from specially selected relevant words and sentences from pages of a penguin paperback edition of Mrs Dalloway by the writer Virginia Woolf.
Contact / socials:
instagram @leeshearman
website: www.leeshearman.com
email: leeshearman@gmail.com
AR Scavenger Hunt What3words location; ///BUDDY.SANDS.SPITE
Entomology - Niamh Cookson up941823@myport.ac.uk
My name is Niamh Cookson, I am a Portsmouth and Gosport based artist with a deep interest in entomology and scientific illustration. During my time at Portsmouth university as an illustration student I developed and altered my art style into a more realistic and colourful study, experimenting with complimentary colours and colour Theory.
These pieces of artwork are in-depth entomological studies all compiled into poster style artworks. I created these in a way to express the beauty of nature in ways people may have never gotten to experience before. I hope my art brings attention to entomology and help people to change their perspective on insects, beetles and moths, and instead accentuate their beauty.
TikTok: @niamhcookson02
Instagram: @artbyniamhc
AR Scavenger Hunt What3words location; ///SPOUT.UNABLE.BURST
Tiger - Jenna Beames
Tiger animation
This animation comes as part of a project for my second year at university.
I’ve always loved big cats and animals in general, and this project gave me the opportunity to try out something new; animation.
AR Scavenger Hunt What3words location; ///MEANS.INVENT.PARTS
Crow - Nicola Hay
AR Scavenger Hunt What3words location; ///MERCY.SAINTS.ARMY
Rat - Illustrated Menagerie
AR Scavenger Hunt What3words location; ///REACH.CYCLE.SPENDS
Moth - Kitty Turner
Artist Bio: Kitty Turner is a multidisciplinary artist with skills in illustration, animation and model making. She loves working across a variety of traditional and digital mediums to create artwork inspired by the natural world.
Stop motion animated scenes from my short film Drawn To Light. This handcrafted film, with original music by Emma Turner, follows a small moth on a journey to find happiness.
Instagram: @kturnerillustration
Website: www.kittyturner.com
AR Scavenger Hunt What3words location; ///EVERY.ZOOM.PRICES
Seahorse - Michael Dymock
I approach illustration with a passion for bringing characters and stories to life. A lover of storytelling
and fantasy, there’s only one thing better than an awesome story full of badass characters, crazy questlines and dramatic big bads. And that’s when it means something more.
This artwork is part of a project aimed to highlight the issues surrounding seahorses’ use within the
traditional medical trade, a practice that could see them extinct in the wild within the next 20-30 years. To do this, I illustrated a mechanical seahorse using watercolour and ink, before having its components move through animation.
Email: contact@dymk.co.uk
Instagram: @dymk.illustration
Website: www.dymk.illustration
AR Scavenger Hunt What3words location; ///LINKED.RESCUE.MINI
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