Showing posts with label service dog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label service dog. Show all posts

Sunday 14 February 2021

 Jasmine Nicholson

I chose to look at Service/Assistant Dogs and the work they do for those who need support. For example those who suffer with Autism and the support a working dog can bring to change their life. I experimented with drawing using a sewing machine with continuous line drawing to illustrate the "day of the life of an ability dog". I decided to make a working dogs jacket and using a sewing machine illustrate both a sequential narrative of the dog at work and when it is off duty. The jacket would show one side of the dogs life: going to the shops, retrieving objects etc and another: playing, sleeping, being silly etc. A key factor being when they are working, the jacket is visible and when they are not it isn't. Expressing not to disturb a dog while it is working and spreading awareness of what dogs do/what their life is like. I think this could be used in a few different places: on display in a charity shop window, on a working dog, in the training studio or mounted as a poster. Being used to educate those who need it. I really enjoyed my first attempt at illustrating on a machine and felt it successfully presented my sequential image.